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jean 07-02-2003 07:10 PM

45 luger??
i was shooting with some members at my shooting club a while ago and one older gent pulled out a 45 luger and was shooting 45 rounds from it... as i was shooting my 45 colt at the time i sai d hey can i try that plz..he gave it to me an i put in "my" 45 rouonds and shoot a 45 luger i then asked him if he would sell it he said yes and i am thinking of buying it think its a good idea??? its a nice piece of hard ware i may just do will be a nice adition to my other 2 lugers...

Ron Wood 07-02-2003 09:40 PM

Since .45 is not a common caliber for a Luger, I assume it is a conversion. Do you know who did the conversion?

kidvett 07-02-2003 10:01 PM

Hello Jean,

A 45 Luger in Canada?? Interesting!! What part of the country are you from?? I'd be curious to know which Gunsmith did the conversion as it's most likely a conversion!

Keep us updated!

kidvett :cool:

jean 07-02-2003 10:03 PM

i believe it was him he use to work for a Luger manufacturer that or its a real non converted Luger...its a real beautiful gun i am going to buy it soon as i has its own holster and tools that come with it...and mags as well all the accessories

Edward Tinker 07-02-2003 10:24 PM

This would prove interesting to see Jean. There are several different conversions around, only two known real (early 1900's) 45 Lugers.

People known to have made conversions or copies of the 45:

John Martz
and Krause who makes copies

and no offense, but </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,Geneva">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,Geneva">...use to work for a Luger manufacturer that or its a real non converted Luger... has its own holster and tools that come with it...and mags as well all the accessories


he gave it to me an i put in "my" 45 rouonds and shoot a 45 luger
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,Geneva">This I have to see to believe.

If you buy it, or can take good clear pictures of it, we would be very interested.

Also, when you say 45 Colt in America, that means 45 "Long Colt" and NOT 45 ACP.

Can you explain how you meant that? It would be pretty hard to put a 45 Colt in a pistol, there are some "conversions", but none in 45 Colt that I know of.


jean 07-02-2003 11:15 PM

i reload all my own ammunition so when i say that i meen i took my 45 acp bullets and put them into the mag that belonged to the luger and put that mag into the luger and chambered it and fired it a several times...

and no disrespect taken we are all adults here i am sure :D :D

and once i go and get the luger ill take as many pics of it as possable i have a vary good 5 meg didgital camera and know how to use it as i work in the movie industry...

now im not saying its not a convertion but it is a 45 cal. luger this i know as i fired it my self with my 45 cal.ammunition...and it didnot have any weld marks on it as 2 lugers put together it looked very origanal but hey im no expert but as i own 2 allready i just thought it would be neet to have...this guy that ownes it lives 41/2 hours away may take me some time ( not to long i hope ) to acuire it...if i cant acuire it ill get pics of it any way to show here...

now the guy that does own it now is german(that in it self dont meen squat)lol but he is an awsume gunsmith

hope to have pics soon for ya to see

jean 07-02-2003 11:17 PM

and i was shooting my 45 lama (acp) that day not the colt sorry about that...

wterrell 07-02-2003 11:23 PM

I would suggest to you that you do not reveal the whereabouts of your person or the whereabouts of this pistol to anyone.
There are members on this forum who are employed by the Canadian gov't in the gun confiscation program. They are themselves licensed to possess these pistols and prey upon those who must surrender these handguns to profit financially and also add to their private collections.
Be wary of anyone who inquires.

jean 07-02-2003 11:43 PM

thx for the info...i just got off the phone with his wife it seems he died and she sold it to a friend for 600 bucks...oh well seems i have to dsee if that guy will sell it for same price of 500 to me...i dought it...

i love the fire arms hobby...

jean 07-02-2003 11:44 PM

no edit posts here i see...500 should be 600 my bad

Edward Tinker 07-02-2003 11:59 PM

Jean you click on the icon with the paper and pencil and then you can edit.


John St 07-03-2003 04:23 AM

I am absolutely new and green to this but I thought a .45 Luger was so rare that a conversation about a real encounter with one was less than 1 in a billion.
Is this guy for real, or is this a copy or remodeled situation not worthy of real Luger advocates?
John St
By the way, I'd rather spend the thousand on a 9mm anyway so maybe I'm biased.
A .45 Luger?
Didn't the trials prove it unreliable?
Reliability in any pistol or revolver or rifle is the top concern.
Why would anyone want an unreliable product?

Dwight Gruber 07-03-2003 10:24 AM

John St,

There are .45 Lugers, and then there are .45 Lugers.

There are two known DWM .45 Lugers, you are right about the liklihood of encountering another (although I think we all secretly dream of finding one).

There are .45 Luger conversions done by a gunsmith named Wyatt (don't know his first name), these are sealed off at the bottom of the handgrip, the grip itself becomes the cartridge carrier. There is a slot in the right grip panel for a tool which pulls down the cartridge follower from the outside, cartriges load from the top. Afaik these guns have rather longish target barrels (the one I have examined was 10" with target sights). I believe less than 100 of these were made.

There are .45 Lugers made by a gunsmith named John Martz. He cut two Luger frames apart lengthwise, offset from their centers, then welded the larger halves together to make a frame wide enough to accommodate a .45-sized magazine; I believe he then made all the other parts to size. These are desirable and well-made pieces, 75 were made.

Gunsmith Mike Krause is currently manufacturing detail reproductions of one of the DWM .45 Lugers. I don't know how many he has produced to date, at $15,000 per gun.

There are rumors, unconfirmed, of one or two sources of .45 Lugers somewhere in Europe.

The 1907 U.S. Test Trials pitting the .45 Luger against the .45 Colt didn't necessarily find the .45 Luger "unreliable", the biggest problem had to do with the suitability of the particular ammunition to the gun. If you track down a copy of Fred Datig's "The Luger Pistol" you can read the original source, he includes the 1907 report in its entirity.

And to answer you other question, any of the .45s described above are more than worthy to this Luger advocate.


jean 07-03-2003 10:37 AM

when i track it down ill post pics of it...hopefully wont be to long there are only so many poeple in the gun club that can own hand guns any one of them and i prety much know the others as ive bough from almost every one of them. so ill get it...

John Sabato 07-03-2003 10:43 AM

We will look forward to your photographs Jean... the sooner the better.

Welcome to the Lugerforum.

John St 08-03-2003 08:39 AM

No Photos so far!
Am I right?

John Sabato 08-04-2003 02:31 PM

Still waiting for a response from Jean...

Aaron 08-05-2003 02:57 AM

Come on guys, don't you know when you've been had?

Russ 08-05-2003 03:29 AM

sounds like something on the p-38 forum 2 months ago????????????


Edward Tinker 08-05-2003 03:40 AM

Aaron and Russ, I agree.

I have noticed that certain trolls come onto these sites and post items that get people all excited, yet they never come up with pictures or further information.


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