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John Sabato 09-30-2008 10:36 AM

PLEASE READ-Reporting Inappropriate Posts
An open international internet forum like ours is an invitation to the purveyors of porn. They attempt to use our resources to further their objectives...With the number of hits this site receives it has also become a prime place for Spam Advertisers to approach. Neither is permitted on this forum.

The moderators on this forum do our very best to keep that from showing up here. While there are tools at our disposal that would make it more difficult for them to get in. Implementing them would also make it more difficult for the well-meaning, honest people with a genuine interest in Lugers to join.

It's becoming more of an issue every day. We don't want to have lock it down to the point that anyone who would be interested would become frustrated by the joining requirements and walk away.

Based on that view point we have a request to make of YOU, the members of this forum. Below every post on the bottom right corner there is a option to, "Report to moderator".

If you see something that is inappropriate and doesn't belong on this forum click that link and tell us moderators about it! I get immediate notification when someone hits that link... and will respond as soon as I am able to do so.

With everyones help we can keep our Luger collector and enthusiast community a respectable place to visit.

One last thing... there is also a link in that corner that Identifies to the moderators the IP address that a post comes from... if one of these slime balls makes it through the registration process without being detected and posts something here that doesn't belong or isn't allowed here... be assured that the offending IP address will be barred from further association with this forum.

Our thanks to ALL of you who take the high road and follow the rules of the forum.

vtwoodchuck 09-30-2008 12:35 PM

John, I have been on several forums and I must say that this forum and Stills forum are two of the best run, and cleanest forums out there. I feel it a privilege to be able to be a part and have learned so much about Lugers and the gentlemen who share their wealth of knowledge with all of us. Thank you for your hard work and time in keeping this forum clean. Doug

sheepherder 10-19-2010 09:21 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by John Sabato (Post 149104)
Below every post on the bottom right corner there is a option to, "Report to moderator"...

That must have been the old software... :)

There is now a red triangle w/exclamation point in the bottom left corner to click to "Report Post"... ;)

There seems to be possible use for it lately... :rolleyes:

antonio_liviero 10-19-2010 05:13 PM

Well said, John!
When i'm working abroad, sometimes for long periods, I enjoy passing my time reading all the interesting things that are discussed here in the forum.
I've learned a lot of things about Luger's world and I'm proud to be a Luger owner and a registered user of this forum.
For sure the rubbish is growing more and more in the internet, so thanks for your struggle against it in here.

Thanks again

John Sabato 10-19-2010 11:13 PM

Nice catch Postino... thanks for correcting me about how to report a post.

A very observant member did that today and helped me to get rid of someone who didn't need to be on this forum. Thanks to that person... he knows who he is...

niksylo 11-05-2010 04:48 PM


chromeed 11-05-2010 05:28 PM

Thanks for running A great and helpfull Forum I agree that this is no place for bad language and smut. In fact our as iI grew up in the 50's I would like to see a lot of TV shows Banned for the same reason.
We all owe you a BIG THANKS for what you do.:thumbup:
Ed Reimbold

sheepherder 11-08-2010 07:10 PM

John -

I notice you locked the top "Banned" thread listing names of the banned trolls...

I would like to suggest that a dedicated thread be started listing all members/usernames who have been banned...It could be a locked thread with only mod access...(Could even be that locked thread up top)...

I'm getting confused...with all the new/old trolls registering, I can't keep track of all their names... :rolleyes:

...And thank you for your...eternal vigilance... :D

John Sabato 11-09-2010 08:32 AM

Sorry Rich, but that would be just one more administrative thing I have to remember to do... and I am already pressed for available time.

The other notification thread was about a special case and hopefully that type of situation won't happen very often...

Thor 01-12-2011 06:40 PM

John, good info on reporting posts, but I am seeing the album section invaded with this junk. How do we report this?

Vlim 01-12-2011 07:14 PM

Ted, good work. I also noticed that there are 'spammer albums' being created.
I don't have enough rights to do anything about it, so I guess John or Ed need to take care of this...

John D. 01-12-2011 07:54 PM

Hi Guys,

I already took care of that..???

Thanks for the heads up.

John D.

Thor 01-12-2011 07:57 PM

Wow, John, very quick and efficient, thanks!:cheers:

John D. 01-12-2011 08:16 PM

Hey Thor...!!

Don't tell anyone I actually do anything, OK??!! :) HEH!!

Seriously - many thanks and Jen's and my best to you Ted - and to your family for a wonderful 2011..!!


John D. 01-12-2011 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Thor (Post 188307)
Wow, John, very quick and efficient, thanks!:cheers:

And while I was doing that - I deleted about 37 other "empty" albums that were contained in the index, but had no pictures. I also deleted "word" albums - where a few folks posted "questions" in their albums..??

Is what it is...

Best to all!!!

John D.

John Sabato 01-12-2011 08:38 PM

Hey John D.

How bout clueing Ed, and Vlim and I in on WHAT you did, so we can deal with it when you are not available?

-John S

John D. 01-12-2011 08:44 PM

Hi John...

Click on an Album...

Click on Edit Album....

Click on the check box "Delete Album" and the button...



John D.

John Sabato 01-12-2011 08:46 PM

Thanks... that's simple enough even I could do it... now, did you ban the member that created the album(s)? I never even saw them... I just logged on after getting Thor's reported posting.

John D. 01-12-2011 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by John Sabato (Post 188313)
... now, did you ban the member that created the album(s)? ....

John, I love you like a brother so don't take this the wrong way..

I've been programming, hosting and Administrating web sites since 1994...

What do you think??


Best to you,


John Sabato 01-12-2011 09:32 PM

Just pulling your chain old man... :D There was never a doubt in my mind :)

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