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nukem556 01-17-2011 04:09 PM

1900 AE advice
4 Attachment(s)
This 1900 AE is up for sale at what seems an attractive price..... it's described as "all original and possibly unfired". I have big doubts about that description, and I'd bet its refinished, which isnt a big deal to me. It looks like a hot blue, not rust, and seems to be more wear to the grips than the finish. I've written the seller to ask if its all matching numbers and for more response yet. Obvious blips are the red paint in the safety detent and seeming lack of straw on the safety and can be had for 1900.00....what you guys think????

Thor 01-17-2011 04:23 PM

Like to see under the safety lever when it is moved to the "red detent" what does the other side look like, should be in the white and the shape of the safety lever when it is in the down position. What does the inside of the receiver forks and mag well look like, bet they are blued. Wow, metal looks in terrific shape, would I like to get my paws on it to restore.

DavidJayUden 01-17-2011 04:30 PM

I hope the price is right. I'm seeing mildly rounded edges on the rear corners, and that's a shame. If the mag is genuine Navy, then that's a definite bonus. Matching numbers? Bore?You and Thor need to talk this one out before you throw money at it. Seems like it should be in the $1500 range as is. With the seller describing it as "original and possibly unfired" I'm seeing red flags all over the place...

nukem556 01-17-2011 04:38 PM

Yeah, I already had Thor in mind! pricewise....Simpsons (yeah,I know) is selling 2 different refinished 1900AEs for over 4000.00....ya think I could really find one like this for 1500.00???

Thor, if you look close, I think you can see a sliver of the bare metal under the safety, but I doubt that would neccesarily mean its original.

Thor 01-17-2011 04:48 PM

Yeah, not sure about that, but the thumb safety, extractor and toggle lock should be strawed, and they all appear to be salt blued.

nukem556 01-17-2011 05:00 PM

Yeah, Thor ,I'm not wearing rose colored glasses ( I hope) I'm sure it's not original, I'm just wondering what's a good value. I've looked around a LOT at 1900's and I've only seen one below 2500.00 and it was a rust bucket. If there are any out there for 1500.00, point me in that direction!

And gee, we know you could make it purty ;-)

Hugo Borchardt 01-17-2011 05:22 PM

This nice restored one just went for $1900 this weekend on AA. I'd keep an eye out. I've seen a few restored ones for $1500-$1750 over the past few months.


Edward Tinker 01-17-2011 09:41 PM

I have one on gunbroker, not restored for around $1900

However, it always appears that folks are looking for 'pretty' guns, which does not translate to original. a heck of a lot of restored 1900's out there.


nukem556 01-17-2011 09:47 PM

well, if it has all the parts it was made with, and the metal and bore are in good shape, a well-done reblue wouldnt upset me....would you turn down a 1967 Jaguar XKE at a good price because it had been repainted?

Edward Tinker 01-18-2011 12:52 AM

Cars and lugers are totally different to most collectors.

It is acceptable to repaint a classic car, it is NOT okay to reblue to make it look nicer.

For value, once reblued then it is never original again, same reasons an original paint job on a 67 fastback is worth more than a repainted one...


Ron Wood 01-18-2011 12:59 AM

To my eye, the gun that nukem is looking at is in better shape than the one on Auction Arms for $1900 (not a very good "restoration"). But, it sure would be nice if it was a bit cheaper in order to leave some room to have it restored.

cirelaw 01-18-2011 07:38 AM

Why would the seller photograph this luger with a yellow hue?

Dwight Gruber 02-06-2011 01:14 PM

Asking price is twice too much. Otoh if all the markings on the Navy magazine are present and original the mag alone is worth several hundred dollars.


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