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Wm. "Pete" Ebbink 03-12-2002 07:48 PM

Visit To KrauseWerks...
Drove over to San Mateo, CA a few days ago to visit KrauseWerks and the home of the custom-made .45 cal. Lugers...

Mike Krause' shop is full of all sorts of guns, swords, militaria, etc.

Had 5-6 lugers on hand for sale, but I restrained myself.

Did get to see one of his really nice .45 lugers, in person, though...this was the highlight of the trip...I did not have the courage to ask "how much"...however...

R. Grady/Roadkill 03-12-2002 08:52 PM

Re: Visit To KrauseWerks...
Once again, I'm about to reveal the shallowness of my firearms knowledge, but why is it so difficult to make a luger in .45? Parts are bigger therefore stronger, muzzel velocity and chamber pressures are weaker (I'm guesing), the .45 has been around nearly as long as the 9mm so there aren't any surprises and the Luger design is no new comer either, is it the machining, custom work, or what? Or is it the supply and demand factor? Erma made the 22s. Or us there a self evident truth I'm failing to comprehend?


G.T. 03-12-2002 09:10 PM

Here's the situation! ..........
Hi Roadkill! It's all about quality.....and difficulty....and cost..... I have fabricated some of the more simple parts for the Luger, and they are designed in such a way, that no matter what technology you use, it requires many secondary & hand operations!!! To put it simply, "it ain't easy, and it ain't cheap"! This .45 Luger pistol that is made by Krause, is incredible!!!! I've held it in my hand......if you like Porche, BMW, Zeiss, Hensoldt, Mauser...etc....It makes it easier to understand! Hope this helps!! till...later....G.T.

Heinz 03-12-2002 09:14 PM

Re: Visit To KrauseWerks...
45 auto and 9 mm velocities are almost the same. The 9 mm cup pressures are generally higher than the 45 auto, almost twice. The bugaboo is recoil energy, almost twice as high in the 45 auto because of the bullet weight. Look at the mass that is recoiling in a Browning style 45 auto, the barrel and the massive slide and breech block. In the Luger you have the barrel and toggle only, and the toggle relies on clobbering the frame to break open.

R. Grady/Roadkill 03-12-2002 09:48 PM

Re: Visit To KrauseWerks...
Makes sense. Is the design not so strong in the Luger that the transfer of recoil energy is in two stages (toggle to spring pulling up)vs the Browning design of straight spring compression? I took the mainspring out of mine once (won't do that again) and it seemed to be much stronger than in a .45/9mm ect design. But then the main spring on the Browning designs wasn't compressed while I was trying to take it apart either. My hands have almost healed up. What about adding an additional straight line compression spring behind the bolt?


Wm. "Pete" Ebbink 03-12-2002 10:14 PM

Krause Vs. Martz .45 Luger Differences...
Forgot to mention :

When I asked Mike how he makes his guns, compared to the John Martz .45 luger; Mike said his are made from new forgings/castings while the Martz guns were made up from 2 existing lugers...

I am certainly not one to know the pros & cons of each; but thought I would pass this info. on...

The .45 luger felt like a luger on steroids in hand...!

N Keller 03-12-2002 10:14 PM

Re: Visit To KrauseWerks...
How does Krauseworks 45"5 differ from those of Martz?

I know that Martz makes his from two lugers and fabricates some of the parts. Same for krauseworks or are his fron scratch?


66mustang 03-12-2002 10:28 PM

Re: Visit To KrauseWerks...
Krause Lugers are made up completly from scratch and from what I understand from the orignal Georg design.


John Sabato 03-13-2002 10:22 AM

The Krausewerk .45 Luger is made from scratch!

If you want to see a few scenes about it's manufacture, the History Channel ran a documentary in their series: "Tales of the Gun, The Luger" in which the Krausewerk .45 is shown in some stages of manufacture.

This video is sometimes aired by the History Channel and is a great tape, even though there are a few historical inaccuracies... like that there is only ONE original .45 caliber Luger known to exist. This tape is also available for purchase at


John Sabato

R. Grady/Roadkill 03-13-2002 05:23 PM

Re: The Krausewerk .45 Luger is made from scratch!
That is one beautiful gun.


lugerholsterrepair 03-13-2002 06:04 PM

Re: Only One Right?
John, it is my understanding that there was two to start out the U.S. trials but one was destroyed in testing and today only one exists...Did I read your post wrong or is there something I don't know? All Smiles , Jerry

Thor 03-13-2002 06:07 PM

Re: Only One Right?
there is a second remaining by some accounts, in a museum in Shreveport LA I AM TOLD! Dont shoot the messanger, wink wink (Still love that baby Holster and now Don and I are good friend thanks to you Jerry, I appreciate it) Thor

lugerholsterrepair 03-13-2002 06:15 PM

Re: Only One Right?
Ted, Not the old, I saw one in a museum somewhere! No, seriously I am sure it is possible but I have never heard of it myself. I would love to authenticate such a find. If anyone knows of this for sure and can put a name to it please let me know. I still look at photos of your baby holster and am amazed I made it. It was such a lot of work that I have not been anxious to make another. Good thing you were first Ted! Yes Don Hamilton is a great guy and I knew you two would get along. He was very impressed with the work you did on his pistol. Along with every one else! Jerry Burney

Thor 03-13-2002 06:20 PM

Re: Only One Right?
Jerry, there have been MANY discussions about this and I believe one or two of the forum regulars have SEEN it. John Sabato has a pretty good handle on it and I sure he will have much to say about it so I will butt out for a while. I would love to know if Charlie Kenyon or Still has looked at it up close and personal. I seem to remember Johnny Peppers had a lot to say about it too! I will watch and maybe remember more of what is going to be said about it. I have "oldtimers" some times or CRS (Can't Remember Stuff) ~Thor~

Thor 03-13-2002 06:37 PM

Re: Baby Luger holster
Jerry, it is pretty damn nice holster! Dok is Jjjjjjuuuuusssssttttt......about done with the presentation case so I am getting excited! Hugh has a big back log of Babies and he has figured a way to do the frames better and faster so look out! Those requests mmmmmay be coming soon! Thor

lugerholsterrepair 03-13-2002 06:53 PM

Re: Baby Luger holster
Ted, I forgot to ask about your baby pistol! It's been so long I guess I assumed it was done. But then I guess we would have seen it on the Forum! I am so busy with holster repair I don't know when I would fit any more baby Luger holsters in. Jerry Burney

Johnny Peppers 03-13-2002 06:56 PM

Re: Baby Luger holster
I have seen the .45 Luger in the Norton Gallery in Shreveport, Louisiana, on several trips to the gallery. John Sabato has been in touch with the gallery director, and I believe might have obtained additional information on the pistol. The pistol was bought by Harry Jones and sold to Mr. R.W. Norton sometime in the 1960/70 time frame. Somewhere Harry Jones recounts how he and Mr. Norton took the pistol out and shot it to their hearts content.

There is also a picture of this .45 Luger in Edward Scott Meadow's book "U.S.Military Automatic Pistols" on page 381.

The pistol is on public display for any that doubt it's existence.

Thor 03-13-2002 07:04 PM

Re: 45 Luger in TEXAS
I do remember some of that but only after you repeated it Johnny! Wouldn't that shooting sesssion be fun to have gone on! Thor

tom 03-13-2002 07:56 PM

45 Luger
Two of the 3 originals still exist; one was on display at the Missouri Valley Arms Collectors Show in KC in '99. It was in a plexiglass case bolted to the table with a photograph of a turn of the century uniformed Army officer holding it or one of the trio in the raised pistol position.


John Sabato 03-14-2002 08:38 AM

I would love to have a copy of THAT photo! (EOM)

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