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wterrell 07-20-2002 07:29 PM

Jan Still booted from forum?!
I have just been informed that Jan Still has been booted from the Forum. Tell me it isn't so!

This is wrong.

I know that freedom of speech has its limitations, but I wonder if these have been abused?

We are aware that not all forms of expressions are protected by the Constitution. Libel is a published report of falsehoods that tends to injure a person's reputation or character. Slander is the public utterance of a statement that holds a person up to ridicule, contempt, or hatred. To prove libel and slander, however, certain requirements must be met.The statements must be untrue and must have been made with the intention to do harm, and actual harm must have occurred. Additionally, the courts have ruled that damages cannot be collected for remarks made against someone unless the remarks are proved to have been made with "reckless" disregard for accuracy.

Johnny Peppers 07-20-2002 08:29 PM

Anything to this, John D.?

Luke 07-20-2002 08:33 PM

That would be regrettable IMHO. <img src="graemlins/icon501.gif" border="0" alt="[icon501]" />
Hopefully there is an alternative.


Edward Tinker 07-20-2002 08:35 PM

Discussion is the fruit of life, and I can see that Jan might have pushed Johns envelope, but I hope that it isn't true either...


Roadkill 07-20-2002 08:47 PM

Gentlemen, until you have heard from the Forum Administrator I would not accept this as gospel.


wterrell 07-20-2002 08:49 PM

The information that I received came from Jan Still by email. That is half of the equation.

Kyrie 07-20-2002 09:00 PM

Hi Folks,

The Constitutional guarantee to free speech applies only to government censorship. It has no strength in private discussions.

Please note I have not expressed an opinion on the banning of any member. Iâ??m just attempting to point out â??free speechâ?? is not a valid ground for appeal if anyone is banned, or even has their posts removed or censored.

Warm regards,


John D. 07-20-2002 09:01 PM

[quote]Originally posted by wes:
<strong>I have just been informed that Jan Still has been booted from the Forum. Tell me it isn't so!....</strong><hr></blockquote>

Hi Wes..!

I'm just logging in and caught this note. I can assure you that Jan wasn't - and isn't now - booted from this Forum. If he were, I'd probably know (as I'd have to be the one who turned off his rights to post [img]smile.gif[/img] ). Furthermore - no one is "booted" unless John S., DOK and I discuss it before hand - and we've never discussed banning Jan for any reason??

Best to you,

John D.

wterrell 07-20-2002 09:02 PM

If the pressure on the LugerForum is from a person that feels that he is libeled or slandered, the laws apply, as I have given examples of what constitutes libel and slander.
<img src="graemlins/beerchug.gif" border="0" alt="[cheers]" />

wterrell 07-20-2002 09:07 PM

John D.,

check your private posts, please.

wterrell 07-20-2002 09:16 PM


It appears that I have been foolish enough to have been the dupe (willingly, I am ashamed to admit) of misinformation.

Please have a good laugh on me, and pop-a-top for unabashed stupidity at my expense.

Kyrie 07-20-2002 09:18 PM

[quote]Originally posted by wes:
<strong>If the pressure on the LugerForum is from a person that feels that he is libeled or slandered, the laws apply, as I have given examples of what constitutes libel and slander.
<img src="graemlins/beerchug.gif" border="0" alt="[cheers]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>

Hi Wes,

Iâ??m not disputing, and in fact have not commented upon, the slander and libel statutes. I was just point out your reference to free speech was not well taken :-(

Warm regards,


BILL 07-20-2002 09:18 PM

Again, it has been proved we are all human.

Kyrie 07-20-2002 09:24 PM

[quote]Originally posted by BILL:
<strong>Again, it has been proved we are all human.</strong><hr></blockquote>

Hi Bill,

All to true [insert very wry smile here]. If I had a dollar for every time Iâ??d acted like the south half of a north bound horse Iâ??d have had the money to buy a LOT more Lugers :-)

Probably the most embarrassing event in my life involved being locked in the trunk of a car. And no, I wonâ??t say anything more, other than to remark I almost ended up married to the young lady with whom I shared the trunk of that automobile ;-)

Warm regards,


wterrell 07-20-2002 09:33 PM


Are men still required to do the "honorable thing" nowadays? I don't know that I have any bullets in the house!? <img src="graemlins/crying.gif" border="0" alt="[crying]" />

John D. 07-20-2002 09:35 PM

[quote]Originally posted by wes:

It appears that I have been foolish enough to have been the dupe (willingly, I am ashamed to admit) of misinformation...</strong><hr></blockquote>

Hi Wes,

It's no problem at all. Frankly - if someone tells you they are banned, simply ask them to see an e-mail from either John S., or DOK or myself - which would explain the reason that they are being banned from this site. These are sent after the three of us have discussed banning someone - and all of us agree that someone is to be banned.

My Best to you and all,

John D.

Roadkill 07-20-2002 09:56 PM

Wes, I have to be straight up with you. I can understand the mess up on the first thing, one of the hardest things I learned early on was that just because people are grown doesn't mean they stop acting like children, in fact they get worse cause they have no integrity and have more resources to be nasty.(That and staying out from under Humvees) BUT NOT HAVING BULLETS IN THE HOUSE! That's unamerican! I never thought you were capable of that! Thats..thats... alright. I'll say it and mosy likely make an enemy for life. Its like a Democrat.


<img src="graemlins/cussing.gif" border="0" alt="[grrrrrrr]" />

wterrell 07-20-2002 10:04 PM


I am to the right of conservative Republicans. The reason for no bullets is that I have shot them all up! Tomorrow, I stalk the wily and elusive paper bullseye with a 300 Win. mag. accompanied by the bush-beaters (my daughters).

Luke 07-20-2002 10:12 PM

ROADKILL <img src="graemlins/beerchug.gif" border="0" alt="[cheers]" />


Roadkill 07-20-2002 10:45 PM

My brother is a Democrat. So is his wife. They will not have a gun in the house. Many years ago my dad got us each a 12 ga H&R. I went to Vietnam, he went to college, majored in Politcal Science, is now a tech writer for a Defense contractor and has published many articles and written a book on the Murder of John Patterson. No Dummy. Few years ago a large German Shepard was causing him & family trouble out here in the back woods. It was a nasty tempered stray that was very aggressive, chewed up his poodle(what else?)and he called me for help. I said shoot the damn thing. No gun. Where is the 12 ga.? At Dad's, won't have it in the house. Too dangerous. And the dog's not? Got things turned around, don't you? I'll be there in a minute. Let's see, what do I want to use? Big dog, fast, houses around. Down comes my Mod 97 Winchester, 32" barrel, full choke. Five rounds of 00 buck, standard load. Drive over, the dog gets real nasty. First thing I do is try to run over it with my truck, it jumps on the door, I knock it down with a short base ball bat. I get out of truck, it growls at me, hope it died happy cause it was quick. Democrats won't have a gun around but sure don't mind calling someone else when they have a problem.


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