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John D. 02-06-2006 10:58 PM

Stolen Collection......
I copied Orv's post below.. It looked MUCH better than my list :)

$10,000.00 Reward
Reward offered for the return of these firearms in an undamaged condition. No questions asked, no prosecution.

The following list of firearms was stolen from V.S. Honey on 02/03/06, in Cobb Co. Georgia ( Marietta, Ga. ) Please share this information with anyone who might be of help or come in contact with these firearms. Mr. Honey appreciates your help in this matter, please contact him or his son if you have any questions or information that will help in the recovery of these firearms.

Steve Honey : (404) 213-2322
Ryan Honey (404) 861-8855

Case number 06-016-444

1 DWM 1900 American Eagle 5657 30Luger
2 DWM 1902 Test Commercial 22328 9 m/m
3 DWM 1906 American Eagle 45038 9 m/m
4 DWM 1906 Swiss Cross & Shield 11136 30Luger
5 DWM 1908 Navy (6" barrel) 7083b 9 m/m
6 DWM 1908 Commercial 55568 9 m/m
7 DWM 1908 Early Commercial 52415 9 m/m
8 DWM 1912 First issue - no stock lug 5624 9 m/m

10 DWM 1914 Military 6781a 9 m/m
11 DWM 1915 Military 6629g 9 m/m
12 DWM 1916 Military 9 m/m
13 DWM 1918 Military 8093c 9 m/m
DWM 1908 Commercial 55449 9 m/m
14 DWM 1914 Artillery 355 9 m/m
15 DWM 1914 Artillery 965 9 m/m
18 Mauser S/42 G-date Police 4187c 9 m/m
19 Mauser S/42 G-date Navy 4522d 9 m/m
20 Mauser Mauser Banner Police,1942 5555u 9m/m

21 Mauser C-96 early prewar commercial 69996 7.63
22 Mauser C-96 early prewar commercial 195245 7.63
23 Mauser C-96 Bolo 606929 7.63
25 Astra Model 900 3 line logo 33689 9 m/m
26 Astra Model 900 2 line logo 7.36

27 Walther PPK 228430k 7.65
28 Walther PPK 216524k 7.65
29 Walther PPK 981391 7.65
30 Walther PPK 321271k 7.65
31 Walther PPK 173329k 7.65

Edward Tinker 02-06-2006 11:15 PM

John, I saw on the NAPCA forum about a listing, but it looked a bit different from this. That the guns were being sold by a dealer in MA. If this is a different "stealing", I suggest folks be extra careful the next couple of months, both as a buyer and as a seller...

**the fear of every collector...


Dwight Gruber 02-07-2006 01:08 AM

Ed or John D.,

You probably ought to 'sticky' this...


Edward Tinker 02-07-2006 01:24 AM

done, thanks, ed

jamese 02-07-2006 05:58 AM


These are all entered into NCIC as stolen ?

Edward Tinker 02-07-2006 08:45 AM

James, I am sure, sounds like some nice things stolen. A shame, I hate thieves.


hqbmw 02-07-2006 01:58 PM

Has The Forum ever investigated "Group" insurance for members to subscribe?

pipeman45 02-08-2006 11:55 AM

The NRA offers nice insurance for members.

lew1 02-08-2006 12:15 PM

But the NRA insurance can be expensive.

Edward Tinker 02-08-2006 12:56 PM

I use an outside insurance "collectors Insurance" I think it is, they are about $100 a year for each $25k. NRA is too expensive I think...


wlyon 02-08-2006 04:07 PM

Ed I have my insurance with collectors also. I wonder if they would give a group discount? I wonder how many members would be interested? Bill

lew1 02-08-2006 10:01 PM

I have my insurannce thru Rielly Insurance Group Inc. in Pembroke, MA. The rates are similar to Collector's Insurance.

I was with Rielly for two years and it covers weapons, knives/bayonets, holsters, cleaning rods, magazines, etc. on one policy.

I became aware of Collectors insurnce and contacted them for more information. I would be willing to switch if rates were cheaper, coverage was better, etc.

(Prior to contacting them I had read their handout I received at a gun show. I noticed two difference. The first was that I could not be sure that all of the weapon realetd items would be on one policy or not. Still have not been able to get an answer to this. The second point was that Collectors wanted all weapons of Value of $5,000 or more to be individually listed with numbers, etc and specific values. With Rielly, the only ones that had to be so listed were those with a value of $20,000 or more.

Rielly gave a lot more flexability. How many pistols do you have that are $4,000 now and what will they be in a year or so. If they go above $5,000 and you do not make a specific listing, there may or may not be coverage, but in any event, it would not exceed $5,000 in spite of the fact that it might be worth $6,000. So with the Colectors policy you would have to watch the values closely and update the policy often. When the break point is $20,000, then there is much less a problem.)

Anyhow, I contacted them and asked whether there would be one policy or not. Never received an answer.

Also I asked Collectors what were the differences between their policy and the policy offered by Rielly. I was told that Collectors did not know the difference between the policies as they had never seen a policy from Rielly. (If true, they sure do not check out their competition like the companies in other areas do.)

But when they said they did not know what was in the policy offered by Rielly, I decided not to change because (1) they either were not competent or were not telling me the truth and (2) perhaps they did not want to tell me because their policy was inferior to the one offered by Rielly.


John Sabato 02-09-2006 08:24 AM

Very good input Charles... thanks much!

Steve Honey 02-09-2006 09:18 AM

Good morning everyone, I am posting this for my father, who had his entire collection stolen. We really appreciate everyone getting the word out to as many people as possible, if anyone see's or hears anything please contact us.

Ryan Honey

Pete Ebbink 02-09-2006 09:28 AM


Best wishes to you and your father for a speedy recovery and prosecution of those involved...

I always look for Swiss luger in my travels... I will get an eye out for your serial number...

Big Norm 02-16-2006 12:08 AM

#12 1916 DWM does not have a serial number attached.
Big Norm

Doug G. 02-16-2006 10:17 AM

Hearing about this makes me absolutely sick to my stomach.:mad: If it were me I'd look to acquaintances that knew about the collection. It looks like they knew what the good stuff was to take. This is the one reason that my Lugers and other valuable guns are locked up in a safe. I also have a top of the line alarm system. Won't stop them if theyĆ¢??re determined, but will slow them down quite a bit. I am going to a gun show this weekend and will post the list there and to a few other collectors that don't get on the internet.

A.Mifsin 08-12-2006 11:29 AM

For what it is worth, I passed this list to my club members in Malta.

Lugerdoc 11-22-2006 11:07 AM

Good news! One of my customers spotted these lugers at a Flee Market, and all but 5 have been recoved by the police. TH

Edward Tinker 11-22-2006 11:20 AM

amazing and how nice!

thanks Tom!!!


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