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1933 FORD NUT 07-17-2018 11:15 AM

5 Attachment(s)
Here's some close ones with plum colored recievers .

Note the shattering on all but yours .

Yours is first and is quite different than the others .

1958 , 2054 , and 2066 have some plum color and chattering .

Last is my 2014 that has no plum color but has chattering .

k98mike 07-17-2018 05:04 PM

What are your thoughts on the matter? In Gibson's book "Kreighoff Parabellum" on page 33 regarding the receivers he states that "It's possible that Mauser or Simpson parts were mixed in, but it would be the exception". The proofs are such that I would think it's OK. I'd like to know what you think. Mike

1933 FORD NUT 07-17-2018 06:13 PM

Krieg receiver for sure .

I don't buy into the use of mauser parts and HK himself stated they only used their own parts .

Your receiver is not unique - it is not " normal " but others like it are around .

I do not find your gun scary looking but as stated much better pics are needed .

Actually in-hand is best with these .

k98mike 07-17-2018 06:20 PM

Thank You.
You have reduced my heart rate, thank you. If you go to i9966695 There are pictures of one with plum and no chatter. Thank you so much for your reply! Mike

1933 FORD NUT 07-17-2018 06:28 PM

You are welcome Sir .

HK's require caution because of past and present crooks but that aside they are top dog IMHO .

wlyon 07-17-2018 08:59 PM

I for one still question that Krieghoff would, with their limited numbers production, let a plum one through. They were very careful with their polishing and a dark blue. Has any of our membership seen a correct plum Krieghoff? Always willing to learn. Bill

Sergio Natali 07-18-2018 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by wlyon (Post 317721)
I for one still question that Krieghoff would, with their limited numbers production, let a plum one through. They were very careful with their polishing and a dark blue. Has any of our membership seen a correct plum Krieghoff? Always willing to learn. Bill

I'm not an expert on KRIEGHOFFs but thats exactly what common sense tells me.

k98mike 07-18-2018 07:19 PM

The seller of the Krieghoff offered a lifetime guarantee, so there's that. He also sent a number of photo's of other Krieghoff's with varying amounts of plum. I think the color changed over 80+ years. Just my opinion. I don't have nearly the expertise as you all, but in my humble opinion if it's a fake then it was done by a master forger. I'm happy with my Krieghoff. (Also, if you are going to forge something, why would you make it an interesting color to arouse extra interest?) The frame, barrel, and toggle train are for sure Krieghoff according to Gibson's book, That's enough for me.

sheepherder 09-30-2018 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by 1933 FORD NUT (Post 317699)
Here's some close ones with plum colored recievers .
Note the shattering on all but yours .
Yours is first and is quite different than the others .
1958 , 2054 , and 2066 have some plum color and chattering .
Last is my 2014 that has no plum color but has chattering .

I find the second and third chamber pictures intriguing. I can not think of any tool that would leave that crosshatch pattern... :confused:

Maybe a shaper???

DonVoigt 09-30-2018 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by k98mike (Post 317737)
The seller of the Krieghoff offered a lifetime guarantee, so there's that. He also sent a number of photo's of other Krieghoff's with varying amounts of plum. I think the color changed over 80+ years. Just my opinion. I don't have nearly the expertise as you all, but in my humble opinion if it's a fake then it was done by a master forger. I'm happy with my Krieghoff. (Also, if you are going to forge something, why would you make it an interesting color to arouse extra interest?) The frame, barrel, and toggle train are for sure Krieghoff according to Gibson's book, That's enough for me.

the plum color is not something that one can "plan" for.

I spent several years of my youth bluing all types of firearms. The one thing we dreaded was the appearance of that undesired "plum" color.

But there is not much one can do about it. It results from the steel alloy, its heat history, and the chemical balance and temperature of the hot salt bath.

Rarely re-polishing and re- bluing(a second time) will give a different result. The color does not change over time.

Nickel steel, and especially Winchester lever action receivers, will turn all shades of plum every time- while the attached barrel is the pretty dark blue black one expects.

A plum color does not make your pistol a "fake", it may be original or refinished - as some one said in a previous post- one has to hold it in hand and in good light to decide. :cheers:

4 Scale 10-01-2018 12:56 AM

I have a '42 byf that I am 100% certain has been re-blued. It has a striking plum color, and is therefore an excellent example of what Don says (plum does not necessarily mean original finish).

1933 FORD NUT 08-15-2019 11:30 AM

5 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by sheepherder (Post 319495)
I find the second and third chamber pictures intriguing. I can not think of any tool that would leave that crosshatch pattern... :confused:

Maybe a shaper???

Not sure meself on how but it is very common on earlier HK's

DonVoigt 08-15-2019 03:54 PM

I think it is from two "tools", one used longitudinally and the other laterally; or perhaps a tool and a

It would be near impossible to duplicate, i.e. "fake". JMHO.

1933 FORD NUT 08-22-2019 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by DonVoigt (Post 327279)
I think it is from two "tools", one used longitudinally and the other laterally; or perhaps a tool and a

It would be near impossible to duplicate, i.e. "fake". JMHO.

Agreed on the pain to duplicate .
HK's are rich in these kinda things .

Note OP's does indeed have chattering on edges .
Top got a little more finishing possibly to make the extra mark fade ?
Note how crisp his " S " is .

Compare the receiver notch on all .
All Krieg and no other MFR's notches look like this .

Thor 11-28-2019 10:26 PM

A Couple of Mauser Luger. One is very "plum"

k98mike 11-29-2019 03:41 PM

The Luger closest looks spot on (shade/color wise) to the Luger which started this thread. I've heard that some 1938 Mauser Lugers are known for plum receivers. I've also seen a lot of plum Krieghoff Lugers on this thread, but mine is plumiest of them all!:D

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